Once upon a time, in the picturesque town of Kolachi, there was a group of children who came up with a great idea. They wanted to set up a little library for themselves, a place where they could read and discover the wonders of the books. The children gathered in a circle, their faces filled with excitement. Eman, a determined girl with brown hair, said, "We can collect books from our homes for the library." The idea spread like wildfire, and soon, everyone was enthusiastic about their project. They decided to call it the " Kolachi Neighbourhood Library ." The children went door-to-door in their neighborhood, explaining their dream of a library. People were touched by their determination and willingly donated books they had enjoyed when they were young. Mr.Jamal gave his old adventure tales, Mrs.Tahir handed over her cherished picture books, and even Nani contributed her collection of fairy tales. With each donated book, the library began to grow. The children work...
“Siblings: children of the same parents, each of whom is perfectly normal until they get together.” – Sam Levenson This is a quote that I believe truly reflects the feelings of siblings for each other. This month we have been assigned to write about “Love.” In our society when we hear the word love most people imagine Bollywood kind of love and images of a boy and girl dancing around trees flash in their minds. I will take this opportunity and write about love between siblings which is a very different kind of love. I believe it is a deeper, intense, and purer type of love. Some may disagree with me but I believe that there is no bond stronger than that between siblings. Although the relationship between siblings is quite complex and a paradox that has yet to be resolved, it is very beautiful and unique at the same time. Through this article, I would like to try and explore the intricacies of the bond between siblings. Siblings are the best gift that our parents give us. When we ...